
My Tamagotchi Forever hack



purchase - Giant Chest of Diamonds
language - Turkish
Review - It seems fairly low maintenance so that’s nice. I understand the ads are mostly optional (like viewing an ad to get double coins or viewing an ad to open the present box) it keeps the need for micro transactions pretty low. The interactive ads are kind of annoying though and there is one ad in particular that I don’t think is suitable for this games target audience. I can’t remember what game it’s advertising but it’s a choose your own adventure type game but it’s quite adult themed. I would recommend removing that ad since this game is definitely for small children. I saw it a lot yesterday but haven’t seen it today so maybe it’s already gone. Anyway cute game I’m hoping more games are added later on. I did see some beta run throughs of this game months before it got released and it doesn’t appear to be much different from the beta test. Edit. So I believe the ad in question has been removed. But now I’m getting an ad that I have to watch just to use the bathroom? I like the idea of the ads being optional
rating - 4,6 / 5 Star
11298 Review
Your classic virtual pet!
Genre - Role Playing

And ever. Living products.

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